Factors affecting Change Management

According to Kotter (1996) Organizational change is the implementation of new procedures or technologies intended to realign an organization with the changing demands of its business environment, or to capitalize on business opportunities. 

Organizations have to deal with new technology, and with upgrades for existing technology. They have to cope with reorganizations, process improvement initiatives, and mergers and acquisitions (Marković, 2008).

Factors affecting Change Management

Change management may be affected by a number of challenges. According to Suresh (2001), these challenges may manifest themselves under different names or other guises but are essentially the challenges of: LEADERSHIP, FOCUS, COMMITMENT and RESISTANCE. 

Leadership involves changing the running of an organization from a command and control nature of management to the nurturing and motivational nature of leadership. 

Focus is making business choices to bring alignment and focus to the organization. 

Commitment is creating commitment to the future of the enterprise throughout the organization. 

Resistance is a complex entity that directly affects the outcomes of change, both positively and negatively. 

Overcoming any one independently is insufficient for realizing sustainable change. 

Analyzation of these 4 factors will be continued in next week.


Kotter, J.P. (1996).Leading Change. Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, MA.

Marković R. M. (2008). Effective Organizational Change Management. Serbian Journal of Management, 3(1) 119–125.

Suresh, H. (2001). Change Management. Must for today’s Organization. Coimbatore: Think Business Networks Pvt. Ltd.


What is Change Management? (Organisational Perspective)

According to Moran & Brightman, Change management has been defined as ‘the process of continually renewing an organisation’s direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the ever-changing needs of external and internal customers (Moran & Brightman 2000). Kanter (1992) contends that we live in a constantly changing world, and change has an impact on the individuals and the organisation as a whole. 

Image result for leadership in change management

Organizations are continuously under pressure to adapt to changing circumstances, such as changing client wishes, new policy developments, and the introduction of social media (Josser and et al., 2006). Swift adaptation to changing conditions has always been considered crucial for the survival of private -sector organizations (Tushman and O’Reilly, 2013). However, nowadays a critical public opinion and shrinking budgets pose threats to the survival of public organizations as well, which requires them to change rapidly and profoundly (Kuipers et al., 2014; Van der Voet et al, 2013).

With technology, economies, demographics, governments, consumer preferences and competition all changing fast, it is not a question of whether organisations should change but of how and in what direction they must change. Next discussion will be on the factors affecting change management.


Josserand, E., Teo, S. and Clegg, S. (2006), “From bureaucratic to post-bureaucratic: The difficulties of transition”,Journal of Organizational Change Management,Vol.19,No.1, pp. 54-64

Kanter, R M, Stein, B. A. & Jick, T D, (1992) “The Challenge of Organisational Change” (New York: The Free Press)

Kuipers, B.S., Higgs, M.J., Kickert, W.J.M., Tummers, L.G., Grandia, J., and Van der Voet, J. (2014), “The management of change in public organizations: A literature review”, Public Administration, Vol.20, No. 1, pp.1-20.

Moran, W, & Brightman, B K, (2000). “Leading Organisational Change, Journal of Workplace
Learning”, 12(2) 66-74. doi: 10.1108/13665620010316226

Tushman, M.L. and O’Reilly, C.A. (2013), Winning Through Innovation: A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewal, Harvard Business Press, Boston, MA.

What is Change Management for an Individual

Hello everyone, This is Brito Daniel and currently reading for MBA at London Metropolitan University, UK at Esoft Colombo. The theme for the semester is Change Management: HR Management Approach. 

Before going in to change management at large, lets see how an individual go through change management within him/herself in his life. 

Just like the earth, nature, religion and corporate, politics, everyone one of us has been changing since we were born, from infant to child to young, young adult, married man, corporate professional and finally an elderly person. Whether we like it or not, we need to go through this process. One changes for personal growth, in terms of Spiritual, physical, and psychological and its continuous learning. 

Once he or she starts to experience our life cycle, he or she has to be ready for any changes that might occur planned or suddenly or naturally in their life. This will occur at any stage in his life until he dies. Once he or she learn to predict and respond or face this changes, he will be very much successful in any forms of his or life. 

This summarised online article written by the Famous Arthur Charles A. Garfield, in Peak Performers: The New Heroes of American Business says that characteristics to face changes can be learnt and practiced. He also conclude after doing a research with 500 top people, that most senior people who performance at peak are not the greatest but who can predict the change, challenge the changes, to grow within and to respond to the change in their lives. (Charles A, 1986).

So this blog will discuss how can HRM guide employees to adopt or accept change. 


Charles A, G. (1986). Peak Performers: The New Heroes of American Business. [online] PUBLISHERS WEEKLY. Available at: https://www.publishersweekly.com/978-0-688-04243-1 [Accessed 23 Mar. 2019].