According to Kotter (1996) Organizational change is
the implementation of new procedures or technologies intended to realign an
organization with the changing demands of its business environment, or to
capitalize on business opportunities.
Organizations have to deal with new technology, and
with upgrades for existing technology. They have to cope with reorganizations,
process improvement initiatives, and mergers and acquisitions (Marković, 2008).
affecting Change Management
management may be affected by a number of challenges. According to Suresh
(2001), these challenges may manifest themselves under different names or other
guises but are essentially the challenges of: LEADERSHIP, FOCUS, COMMITMENT and RESISTANCE.
Leadership involves changing the running of an
organization from a command and control nature of management to the nurturing
and motivational nature of leadership.
Focus is making business choices to bring alignment
and focus to the organization.
Commitment is creating commitment to the future of
the enterprise throughout the organization.
Resistance is a complex entity that directly
affects the outcomes of change, both positively and negatively.
Overcoming any one independently is insufficient
for realizing sustainable change.
Analyzation of these 4 factors will be continued in
next week.
J.P. (1996).Leading Change. Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, MA.
R. M. (2008). Effective Organizational Change Management. Serbian Journal of
Management, 3(1) 119–125.
H. (2001). Change Management. Must for today’s Organization. Coimbatore: Think
Business Networks Pvt. Ltd.