Focus in Change Management

According to Suresh (2001), without a consistent focus, it becomes incumbent on each member to interpret the environment and to make decisions on which opportunities to explore from his or her own perspective. The likely result is a collection of highly skilled individuals, working extremely hard, and pulling the organization in a number of uncoordinated directions. Hence today's leaders must rely more on the discipline to focus on the right opportunities for the organization to steer the followers in the right direction. 

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In an article published by Fast Company magazine (2008), author Dan Feliciano states, “It’s not that people don’t like change… they don’t like ambiguity and punishment.” Dan offers, “Organizations need to focus on creating and communicating strategies to the employees… by creating goals, objectives, measures, targets, and identifying and resourcing key initiatives for your organization and then cascading the measure and initiatives to every person throughout the organization.”

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the possible short-term increase in work, so try to stay focused on how the change will benefit the team in the long-run.


Suresh, H. (2001). Change Management. Must for today’s Organization. Coimbatore: Think Business Networks Pvt. Ltd.

Feliciano, D. (2008). You don’t need Change Acceleration Process (CAP) training… you need organizationally defined measured communicated, aligned goals and objectives. Fast Company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2019].


  1. It is necessary for an organization to change as per the environment but it should have a clear focus on what change does the organization really need? It cannot implement changes just because its competitors has implemented it or the changed environment. The management must focus on what they are going to implement change whether it’s a system change, or a process and procedure change, or a change as a whole, how it’s going to effect the employees etc.. By having a clear focus on above will help for a successful change management of an organization.

  2. Yes.Objective of the change should be communicated to employee clearly.Then management could mitigate the resistance against the change.

  3. In this case there are often found that the primary focus of Change Management and Management as a whole is around the 'Significant' and 'Major' changes, and While change happens at the individual level, it is often impossible for a project team to manage change on a person-by-person basis.

  4. Resistance to change is due to ignorance of the stability it is going to bring to the business. Organization plays a significant role in communicating it to its employees. Effectiveness of it depends on the relationship the employees have with the higher management. This process could be smoother if the change aligns with the employee expectations as well.

  5. The focus will always depends on how much employees are educated about the changes. Communication is very important. If management can inform their employees about changes that they going to do in advance there will be no issue. So this is very important factor when considering change management.
