Leadership in Change Management

We know that leadership can make a great difference, and we know that its importance for organizational success is intensifying. Change cannot be accomplished without the commitment and involvement of the organization's leaders.

Bass (1985) states that leaders must promote change by creating vision. Generally, leaders must possess a clear understanding of the strategic objectives for their organization, identify the actions needed to reach those objectives and conduct an analysis of the organizations existing ideologies. Leadership and organizational culture are widely believed to belinked in the process of change (Schein, 1986).

According to Kouzes and Posner (1987) when facing significant change, “Leadership is the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations”. Leaders therefore must be skilled in change management processes if they want to act successfully as agents of change

 Image result for change management

Let's look at the role a leader should play during the change process.  

Leaders must have a way of thinking about change. They should have a "model" which will guide analysis of the situation and help him to formulate the process of change to be implemented.

Leaders must have clear goals. They must have a clear idea of what results the change will generate. 

Leaders should initiate change at the point where they have the most control and can make reliable predictions about the consequences of their actions. 

Leaders should recognize that change in any one part of the situation affects the whole. They must be alert for unanticipated consequences of their actions.


Bass, B. M. and B. J. Avolio, 1994, “Improving Organizational Effectiveness through Transformational Leadership,” Sage, Thousand Oaks CA. 

Kouzes, J. M. and B. Z. Pozner, 1987, The leadership challenge, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA. 

Schein, E. H., 1992, Organizational Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View, 2nd eds. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.


  1. I agree about "Change cannot be accomplished without the commitment and involvement of the organization's leaders". In fact, that most organization's leaders have been thinking about change because of they are standing on that position. However, the decision to make a change is easy -- most leaders are overconfident in themselves -- but the real challenge is making sure the change is the right one. The right decision coupled with absolute authority support can often make the enterprise quickly to success, but if the decision is wrong?

  2. Thanks Tony, Yes you are absolutely right. The change has to be the right one that is needed to the organization.

  3. I agree that leadership is a must factor that affects the change management. Good leadership with proper guidance is very essential for successful implementation of a change in an organization.
    The command and control structure in the traditional approach of leadership was effective to change management during the traditional era because the main goals of change were resources and capacity but the modern leadership style involves empowerment (Rico,Sanchez-Manzanares, and Gibson, 2008).The top/senior management in the change process is responsible for leveraging the assets and performance of the firm. The leadership style used by managers should be nurturing, innovative, leveraging the skills of the workforce to aid in achieving the overall goal of the organization (McLagan, 2008).


    McLagan, P.A. (2009). “The change-capable organization,” Training & Development, 57 (1): 51-57.

    Rico, R., Sanchez-Manzanares, M., Gil, F. & Gibson, C. (2008). “Team implicit coordination processes: A team knowledge-based approach,” Academy of Management Review, 33 (1): 163- 184.

  4. leadership is the main process that to change whole management concept. its up to leader who taking the responsibility serious of the work. The role of leadership in change management requires care, communication and commitment.
    this how leader should be with a good successful management.

  5. True,Leadership is important factor to bringing positive change to the organisation.If there is no proper leadership for the change, organisation may not be able to do the change as they expected. (Hao and Rashad 2015).Communication of the objective regarding the change must be communicated to the employees and Leader must be taking care of the people who have been affected from the change.

  6. I believe leadership is about act according to the situation. There are so many leadership theories but in real life we need change management. There are no ready made answers for all issues so leaders need be capable enough to understand the gravity of issues and answer them with proper solutions. So this is good article to gain some good info.
